Freitag, 30. Dezember 2022

Happy New Year All, Welcome 2023


I will start my blog with a prayer above, which i can relate because of the many highs and lows that happened in our lives this year. But i am very thankful to God because despite the difficult times especially on health aspect, we were able to survive all the trials. HE also gave us more blessings and i just hope and pray that i can still be cured of my heart and lungs diseases. Thank you Lord, i am not that completely healed but i know YOU are with me every step of the way. Thanks again for taking care of my big family and my daughters abroad. Happy New Year everyone !!!


Our Prosperity Bowl and Fruits

 Prosperity Bowl is a collection of lucky objects which when put together will bring more money, good life and luck. The content of my bowl are 12 cups rice, 12 eggs, 12 golden coins, 12 Laurel dried leaves for protection and 12 twenty pesos coins, Twelve because of the 12 months in a year.  I also put seven paper bills wrapped in a red ribbon and 7 paper bills inside Angpao, Seven because of 7 days a week. I also put one lucky fruit, for me i choose apple  but it can also be oranges But honestly, we should not rely on lucky objects, we need to strive and work hard to achieve our goals in life.

My daughters in Canada and Qatar also shared their lucky fruits which is part of New Year traditions not only here in the Philippines but the whole world. Though they are thousand miles away from us, i wish them good health, happiness and success in life. 

Montag, 26. Dezember 2022

Dirk's Post Birthday Celebration and Christmas Party

 A day before christmas, we already had our family gathering  at Astrid&Budz house here in San Pedro. Potluck is the best way for food preparation instead of me doing all the cooking. We are just being practical because at my age and health condition, i cannot do it anymore. Anyway, we really had lots of foods which is more than enough and they even took home the left overs. We had parlor games, gift giving and the kids are very happy with their loot bags and cash gifts. Though, its late, we also celebrated Dirk's birthday so that its just one celebration. 

The next day, my kids had their christmas party at their father's house in Molino, Cavite.

Samstag, 24. Dezember 2022

Mittwoch, 21. Dezember 2022

Lunchdate with Elementary Friends

 Yesterday, we did drive to Festival Mall to meet up with my elementary school friends. I am so glad that for more than 5 decades we are still friends with each other. Its nice to catch up with them reminiscing the old times and we are also creating new memories as seniors. We had lunch at Fukuya Japanese restaurant and had halo halo at Chowking. As usual time is not enough for all our girly, motherly, wifey and granny talks.

Sharing is Caring Year 6

 Our family's thanksgiving, sharing is caring is now on its 6th year. I am very proud of my family for their generous hearts by continuously giving christmas gifts to kids, mothers and seniors. Its not that much but its the thought that counts. I can see the smiles on their faces and their hearts beamed with happiness.